Algerian-born Mohamed Aouamri studied at the Art Academies of both Douai and Reims. In 1982, he published funny animal cartoons in Pilote magazine, which earned him a prize at the 1982 Angoulême comics festival. Aouamri then left the comics field for a while to work as a freelance illustrator. During this period he worked on several commercial projects, including the educational comic booklets 'Hygiène au sens propre' (C.p.a.m. Marne, 1987) and 'Alimentation entre plaisir et raison' (UCANSS, 1989).
He made his comeback in 1990 with the erotic comic book 'Le Savoir-Aimer' which he made under the pseudonym Wamry with Luc Norin for Editions Sévigny. Since then he has been back on the comics front with the series 'Sylve' (Vaisseau d'argent, 1990-98) and 'Mortepierre' (Soleil Productions, 1999-2002), both in cooperation with BriceTarvel.
Aouamri drew the sixth book in the series 'La Quête de l'Oiseau du Temps' by Régis Loisel and Serge Le Tendre in 2007. He started the heroic fantasy series 'Saga Valta' with Jean Dufaux for Le Lombard in 2012. Mohamed Aouamri is specialized in drawing dreams, fantasy and luscious women.